
Relative atomic mass: 118.710 +- 0.007

English: Tin
French: Etain
Croatian: Kositar
German: Zinn
Italian: Stagno
Spanish: Estano

Atomic number: 50
Group numbers: 14
Period: 5
Standard state (20 oC): solid

Discovery: - -
Tin has been known since ancient times. The origin of the name comes from the Latin word stannum meaning tin. It is a silvery-white, soft, malleable and ductile metal that ressist oxygen and water but dissolves in acids and bases. Exposed surfaces form oxide film. Organic tin compounds may be highly toxic. Tin is principally found in the ore cassiterite (SnO2) and stannine (Cu2FeSnS4). It is used as a coating for steel cans since it is non-toxic and non-corrosive, also in solder (33%Sn:67%Pb), bronze (20%Sn:80%Cu) and pewter. Stannous fluoride (SnF2), a compound of tin and fluorine is used in some toothpaste. The price of 99.8 % pure tin shot is 57.70 € for 500 g.
Electronic configuration: [Kr] 4d10 5s2 5p2
Formal oxidation number: +2 +4
Atomic radius: 140.5 pm

Electronegativities: 1.96
Thermal conductivity: 66.6 W/(m K)
Electrical resistivity (20 oC): 11 microOhm cm

Melting point: 231.928 oC
Boiling point: 2602 oC

Heat of fusion: 7.2 kJ/mol
Heat of vaporization: 296.2 kJ/mol
Heat of atomization: 302 kJ/mol

49In <= 50Sn => 51Sb

ASCII Periodic Table of the Elements
6 Jan. 2020
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