Relative atomic mass: 107.8682 +- 0.0002
English: Silver
French: Argent
Croatian: Srebro
German: Silber
Italian: Argento
Spanish: Plata
Atomic number: 47
Group numbers: 11
Period: 5
Standard state (20 oC): solid
Discovery: - -
Silver has been known since ancient times. The origin of the name comes from the Latin word argentum meaning silver. It is a silvery-ductile and malleable metal, stable in water and oxygen. Silver reacts with sulfur compounds to form black sulfides. Silver is found in ores called argentite (AgS), light ruby silver (Ag3AsS3), dark ruby silver (Ag3SbS3) and brittle silver. Pure silver is too soft to be used in jewelry, so it's commonly alloyed with other metals (typically copper) to prevent scratching and distortion. The light sensitive silver halides (AgCl, AgBr, AgI) are used to make photographic film and photographic paper. Silver is the best conductor of heat and electricity of all known metals. The price of 99.9 % pure silver shot is 406.30 € for 250 g.
Electronic configuration: [Kr] 4d10 5s1
Formal oxidation number: +1
Atomic radius: 144.5 pm
Electronegativities: 1.93
Thermal conductivity: 429 W/(m K)
Electrical resistivity (20 oC): 1.59 microOhm cm
Melting point: 961.78 oC
Boiling point: 2162 oC
Heat of fusion: 11.3 kJ/mol
Heat of vaporization: 257.7 kJ/mol
Heat of atomization: 284.09 kJ/mol
46Pd <= 47Ag => 48Cd
ASCII Periodic Table of the Elements
6 Jan. 2020
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