
Relative atomic mass: 208.98040 +- 0.00001

English: Bismuth
French: Bismuth
Croatian: Bizmut
German: Bismut
Italian: Bismuto
Spanish: Bismuto

Atomic number: 83
Group numbers: 15
Period: 6
Standard state (20 oC): solid

Discovery: 1450 Basil Valentine (DE)
Bismuth was discovered by Basil Valentine (DE) in 1450. The origin of the name comes from the German words Weisse Masse meaning white mass; now spelled wismut and bisemutum. It is a hard, brittle, steel-grey metal with a pink tint. It is stable in oxygen and water but dissolves in concentrated nitric acid. Bismuth can be found free in nature and in minerals like bismuthine (Bi2S3) and in bismuth ochre (Bi2O3) Main use is in pharmaceuticals and low melting point alloys used as fuses. The price of 99.99 % pure bismuth pieces is 110.20 € for 1000 g.
Electronic configuration: [Xe] 4f14 5d10 6s2 6p3
Formal oxidation number: +3 +5
Atomic radius: 154.5 pm

Electronegativities: 1.9
Thermal conductivity: 7.87 W/(m K)
Electrical resistivity (20 oC): 106.8 microOhm cm

Melting point: 271.4 oC
Boiling point: 1564 oC

Heat of fusion: 10.48 kJ/mol
Heat of vaporization: 179.1 kJ/mol
Heat of atomization: 207.36 kJ/mol

82Pb <= 83Bi => 84Po

ASCII Periodic Table of the Elements
6 Jan. 2020
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