
Relative atomic mass: 6.941 +- 0.002

English: Lithium
French: Lithium
Croatian: Litij
German: Lithium
Italian: Litio
Spanish: Litio

Atomic number: 3
Group numbers: 1
Period: 2
Standard state (20 oC): solid

Discovery: 1817 Johan August Arfvedsonn (SE)
Lithium was discovered by Johan August Arfvedson (SE) in 1817. The origin of the name comes from the Greek word lithos meaning stone, apparently because it was discovered from a mineral source whereas the other two elements, sodium and potassium, were discovered from plant sources. It is a soft silvery-white metal and it's the lightest of metals. Lithium reacts slowly with water and oxygen. It's flammable and able to ignite in air. It reacts with water to give off a flammable gas. Lithium is obtained by passing electric charge through melted lithium chloride and from the silicate mineral called spodumene [LiAl(Si2O6)]. Lithium is used in batteries, for certain kinds of glass and ceramics and in lubricants. The price of lithium metal (99.95%) is about 550 € for 1000 g.
Electronic configuration: [He] 2s1
Formal oxidation number: +1
Atomic radius: 152 pm

Electronegativities: 0.98
Thermal conductivity: 84.7 W/(m K)
Electrical resistivity (20 oC): 8.55 microOhm cm

Melting point: 180.5 oC
Boiling point: 1342 oC

Heat of fusion: 4.6 kJ/mol
Heat of vaporization: 147.7 kJ/mol
Heat of atomization: 157.8 kJ/mol

2He <= 3Li => 4Be

ASCII Periodic Table of the Elements
6 Jan. 2020
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